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Number Four (4) is the Gospel number in the Bible. Abraham, Isaac, Jacob and Joseph... were the Gospel in seed being sown in the ground of the fathers. God revealed Himself to them as El-shaddai... The exceedingly fruitful one. God sowed His Gospel seed in the fathers.

Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers and Deuteronomy...was the Gospel in shadows of the law. The Gospel in the stalk out of the blade of Genesis.

Matthew, Mark, Luke and John... the Gospel in earnest, in part, partially, in the earnest of the Spirit. The stalk brought forth flowers... the shuck and the tassel. The New Testament preached the Gospel in its flower stage.

We are looking forward to the final full Gospel in its exactiness... What was sown as a seed in Genesis comes to fruition bringing forth the great harvest. The last Gospel Dispensation is the harvesting Gospel message in its clear view. Yes,…

John Masaf
Isaac ofori
Nov 04, 2023

This is the wonderful Revelation of all-time! It paves the way for God's fulfilment of entrance into Fullness of all. It opens the gates of comprehending God's full dispensational move, from the beginning to the end - Beyond the New Testament... Quite a paradox!

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