Third Pull Hymns Recently Composed
Third Pull Hymns
Sharing with you Third Pull hymns:
both lyrics and audio
from Victory songbook,
Calvary songbook,
Deliverance songbook,
Pilgrim Earnest songbook
These Third Pull Ministry songs were composed between 1999 and 2015

1. He is real, the living Word
He is real – the living Word,
Effecting, acting, speaking;
God now in us – the living way,
Walking, guiding, leading.
Revealing His Word to us,
The seventh seal, Oh how glorious;
Jesus has come to reveal it,
And take His children Home.
He is so near to everyone,
Thinking, praying, singing;
Can’t you hear Him the living Word,
You’d find Him the living way.
Oh, my brother can’t you hear Him,
Revealing, reviving, renewing;
He has come now as He promised,
Receive Him now within.
I’m a witness – He has come,
Creating, working, moulding;
Breaking out all stony hearts,
To impart in us His virtues.
From Third Pull Calvary Hymnal Song Book
Song No. 27

2. Sometimes my heart is flooded
Sometimes my heart is flooded with fear,
As the devil whispers a frightening voice;
Showing me stormy skies all around my soul,
I cry out and fly to Jesus,
He lifts me up out of the wave,
And aboard His vessel, I rest.
Oh, Jesus in you I rest,
Oh, Jesus in you I find it,
When my soul is affrighted with what I see;
Oh, Jesus in you I find all,
Peace and joy.
They come as worms destructive and wild,
Devouring the tender leaves of the plant;
Leaving it bare and fruitless, drying in the sun,
I lift up my eyes to Jesus,
Naked and poor unworthy,
He spread out arms of love and held me.
Though I may fear His throne to approach,
His own loving-kindness, doth welcome me;
He will then whisper, “come just as you are,”
I leave all and surrender to Jesus,
His blood atones for my sins,
He invites me in His worship of love.
All things to Him I will now submit,
Let Him in His Word possess me, within without;
I will need no other argument, whatever it be,
Jesus is my all in all:
I must have Him close to me,
Until His face, at last, I shall see.
From Third Pull Calvary Hymnal Song Book
Song No. 49

3. He quells the stormy sea
He quelled the stormy sea,
He calmed the mighty wave;
The storm obeyed His voice,
He does the same for you.
Oh, Jesus is the one, a mighty one to save,
He overturns the mount and makes a way for you;
He only is thy hope, a mighty one for you,
He shall deliver you, from all that seek your hurt.
He gave His Father’s peace,
To all who believed in Him;
He filled their hearts with joy,
He does the same for you.
He healed the sick so poor,
He loosed their bonds of sin;
He gave them life and peace,
He does the same for you.
He set the captive free,
He bound the broken in heart;
He broke the prison bars,
He does the same for you.
He made them sons of God,
Of all who received His Word;
He poured His Spirit on them,
He does the same for you.
He calls for you to come,
To Him and find your rest;
His yoke is light to bear,
He does all things for you.
From Third Pull Calvary Hymnal Song Book, Song No. 9

4. I asked my God
I asked my God for a flower,
But instead, he gave a garden of delights;
I asked my God for a flower,
But instead, He gave a garden of delights.
Oh my God, I’m so grateful,
For thy lovingkindness;
When I believed in things so small,
Thou blesses abundantly.
I asked my God for a tree,
And instead, He offered me a forest;
With the Tree of Life in the midst,
Oh, how great this God He must be to me.
I asked my God for a river,
Then to me, He poured an ocean of His love;
I asked my God for a river,
Then to me, He poured an ocean of His love.
I asked my God for a friend,
But instead, He offered me His lovely Son:
I asked my God for a friend,
But instead, He offered me His lovely Son.
I asked my God for long life,
But instead, He offered me eternal life;
I asked my God for long life,
But instead, He offered me eternal life.
Third Pull Calvary Hymnal Song Book, Song No. 6

6. The foremost thing that He did to me
The foremost thing that He did to me,
He died on the cursed tree of Calv’ry;
Making me bold to approach His throne of Grace,
Washing away my shame of sin and death.
I know, I know, I know the Redeemer,
(Redeemer El)
I know, I know, I know my Redeemer;
I know, I know, I know the Redeemer,
(Redeemer El)
I know, I know, I know Jesus is my Redeemer.
As though that was not enough for me,
He delivered me from my dead works,
And meant to freely justify my heart,
Now I am counted righteous before Him.
Still I needed a dose of His grace,
By His (own) truth, the Word of life revealed;
He sanctified me by His Grace Divine,
That I may tread in holiness and truth.
This Emmanuel my glorious Elohim,
Has come now to complete His work of Grace,
He consecrates me unto His own self,
Preparing me to see His blessed face.
From Third Pull Calvary Hymnal Songbook, Son No. 47

7. He has set my soul so free
He has set my soul so free,
In His precious Blood I’m free;
From the grip of sin, I’m free,
Now I do declare, I’m free.
2. Shining in my soul His Light,
All darkness has gone without;
Baptising my soul in Light,
Now I do declare Him Lord.
3. Jesus has become my God
Who has set my soul so free;
By His shining Light of Life,
He has set me free from sin.
4. Once I was so blind as night,
Once I was so black with sin;
Reaching down for me in hell
Jesus set me free, so free.
5. Now I do declare Him Lord,
Him alone deserves my praise;
I yield all to You, my Head,
Receive all within and reign.
Third Pull Songs, Victory Song Book No. 690

8. All along I need Him
All along I need Him;
All the time I need Him,
To come and take me in
From the world of gloom,
My heart pleads to escape
To the mount of peace,
Far away in the light
Where joy does not cease.
Come again and take me,
Come again and lift me;
Upon the hill let me stand
Above the clouds of night,
Let me walk each day
Till I reach that shore
Where life has no end,
And joy does not cease.
Escape all the doom,
Escape all the woes;
When he takes me in,
In the house of Ishi,
I shall rest in Him:
No more weary nights,
I shall find peace in Him
Where joy does not cease.
Third Pull Songs, Deliverance Songs Song No. 129

9. The deep within me calls
The deep within me calls to the deep, deep yonder,
To the fountain of Love, within the throne;
His deep responds with so sweet deep a call,
Inviting my soul to His banquet of love.
The cry within me calls to the Zion yonder,
In the land of the precious most Father;
My deep yearning grows fonder and fonder,
Inviting my soul to His banquet of love.
The thirst within me, calls to the joys far yonder,
To the fountains of bliss on Mount Zion;
His blessings respond with so sweet wells of joy,
Inviting my soul to His banquet of love.
The deep cry in me calls to the treasures above,
To the glorious mansions, within Salem;
Her deep, deep responds, with so sweet deep a call,
Inviting my soul to His banquet of love.
Third Pull Songs Calvary, Calvary Hymnal No. 103

10. The night comes with even-tide
The night comes with even-tide,
Oh, my brother flee for your life;
Escape all doom to Jesus cling,
For He loves to set your soul so free.
The righteous take, they take it by force,
So don’t give up, don’t sign defeat;
It is by grace that we are saved,
It is by His blood that we are redeemed.
The night comes, with darkness all,
Oh, my sister, flee for your life;
Believe in Him, who calls you away,
For He loves to set your soul so free.
There is a light, shining so bright,
For all to see, and escape doom;
With Jesus be, and ever be,
For He loves to set your soul so free.
Coming, coming, Jesus coming,
To take you Home, Home in glory;
Believe His word, trust His voice,
For He loves to set your soul so free.
Third Pull Songs, Deliverance Song Book No. 18

11. Like the morning breaks
Like the morning breaks,
Sending forth beams of light,
Let a new day now break in my soul
An eternal day.
Like the sun shines,
Penetrating the trees,
Let thy bright light now shine in my heart;
The light of life.
Like the wind blows,
Sending forth a breeze so cool,
Let Thy Spirit breath in my soul;
A living breeze.
Like the clouds send down,
The showers of rain,
Let the Spirit now shower my soul;
Eternal life.
Like the mist descends,
Shadowing the mountains,
Let thy presence overshadow my heart;
Serene and peaceful.
Like the stars outshine,
Sending forth their silver light.
May you shine in my darkened soul;
To revive my heart.
Third Pull Songs, Calvary Hymnal Song Book No. 30

"The last day church goes to perfection, it will be a super church, a super race as it nears the Great Headstone," said Bill Branham.
What is the Headstone? The Revelation of the eternal Godhead:
that is the message that will be preached to her,
the fullness of the Godhead revealed!
This manifests the Third Pull
12. Son of God, my Lord
Son of God, my Lord,
Son of King, my Life, Prince of Life;
My Saviour, the Lamb, Lamb of God,
The King, King of Kings.
Take me, take me whole;
Take me, dear Jesus, take me whole;
Receive, receive all to be, to be Thine:
By faith, I give all.
2 Morning Star, so bright, Day Star,
Shining in my heart;
Breaking forth from God, fair than all
The sons, sons of men.
3 Bread of Life from God,
Water of Life, Jesus, Stream of Life;
Saviour of all the saints, saving me
From sin and from death.
4 Going forth from old,
Beginning and end, end of all;
Spoken Word by God, Light of Life,
In Him I confide.
5 Solid Rock, so firm Foundation,
For me, oh yes, me;
To find Rest in Him, my Jesus,
My Home evermore.
6 None like Him to care for my life,
A good wise Shepherd;
Feeding me day long, guarding me
From night, shadow of death.
7 I care not for man, man of sin;
Jesus, my Jesus
I give You my all, possess me,
Dear Ishi, take me whole.
Third Pull Songs Victory Song Book No. 221

13. Aba Father, El Elah
Aba, Father, El, Elah,
I cry to you to heal my soul;
By Grace alone can I be healed,
I cry to you, Aba Father.
2 Elo, Eloi, Elo-Shem,
I call for You to restore me;
I cry to be changed in my heart,
To be like you, so lowly in heart.
3 Emmanuel, El Shaddai,
Thou at my El revealed to me;
I believe you with all my heart,
I cannot do without thy Word.
4 Yoshua Osee, my Father’s Word,
Thou art my light to guide my feet;
The Lamb of El, Eternal light,
Shine in my heart to revive my soul.
5 Shekinah light, oh Glory of El,
The Morning Star, the Seed of Life;
I pray to you, oh hear me, Lord,
I have none else to care for me.
6 The Lamb of El, the light of Life,
With all my heart I say, Amen;
Incline your ear unto my cry,
I cry for you, and you alone.
7 Listen to me, oh Lord my El,
I spread my heart to receive You;
I cry to plead for thy Mercy,
Provide for me, my soul to save.
Third Pull Songs, Victory Song Book song No. 127

14. Humbly Lord my prayer comes to you
Humbly, Lord, my prayer comes to You,
Let me come in thy own presence:
There behold thy loving face,
There receive the coal of thy Word.
2 Take away the middle wall,
Rend the veil and smile upon me,
And take me to be for thyself,
My heart fill with Thy precious Oil.
3 Thou hast bought me with a great price,
Shedding blood in exchange for me;
With thy name, thou has sealed my face,
I am Thine, and forever Thine.
4 Come, possess, possess all my heart:
Enclose me within thy borders;
With thyself fill all my inside,
To be thine, yea, and thine alone.
5 Come, possess, possess thy own,
Take me, Lord, take me by thy hand:
To lead on this narrow way,
Till I rest secure in your arms.
6 Oh, come, Lord, and take me away,
Make a claim upon me, thy own,
For thyself take all my goodness:
To be Thine, and forever thine.
7 Claim me, Ishi, and make a reclaim,
In Thyself prepare room for me;
Every spoil restore back to me,
By Thy Seal reclaim all in me.
8 Thou art worthy to possess me whole,
By thy blood thou hast redeemed me,
For the praise of thy glorious Grace:
Here am I, possess all in me.
9 Take me, Ishi, and seal my forehead,
With thy seal, thy name so precious;
Seal me, Ishi, with thy loving name:
Make me thine, and forever thine.
Third Pull Songs, Victory Songs Book No. 265

You notice. Notice now, for the end-of-time Message, this Seal. After all, He—He has revealed all the six Seals, but He don’t say nothing about the Seventh. And the end-time Seal, when It starts, will be absolutely a total secret, according to the Bible, before knowing That.
63-0324E - The Seventh Seal
Rev. William Marrion Branham
15. It's by grace that I stand
It’s by Grace that I stand to fight, leaning on Him;
Of myself I boast of nothing great that I have done.
I confess by Grace alone I am what I am today;
Yes, my Redeemer liveth, I believe and confess His Name.
2 On my own I cannot but fail in things so small;
But with Him all mountains so great melt at His Command.
3 I confess; it is true, so true, He’s done so much
For my life, yes for me to find a rest in my heart.
4 I dont trust man, little or great, all is but vain;
Away I look on my Jesus, a sure Ground for me.
5 Yes, dear Ishi, I say, Yes; take me and possess me,
To control every move in me; I yield unto You.
6 By Thy Hand take me, Ishi, I pray; oh Ishi come, come,
Come take me by Thy Hand; I lean, oh I lean, on You.
7 I have left all to follow Your Word, my cross to bear;
Receive me; oh Ishi, receive me, and nurse me, Thy child.
Third Pull Songs, Victory Song Book Song No. 334

16. Heavenly joys of measureless depth
Heavenly joys of measureless depths,
Christ has revealed to my craving heart;
Wondrous fields of glorious lights,
Revealed is His love within my heart.
Greater than x4 all the world,
Greater than x4 all the world x2.
Precious pearls of heavenly joys,
Revealed to my sight as I look in His face;
Precious face, a glorious sight,
Blissful are His fields within my heart.
Heavenly lights of angelic touch,
The seal has revealed to my thirsting soul;
Draws my soul to lean on His arm,
Rest have I found within the veil.
From Third Pull Songs, Pilgrim Earnest Song Book No. 37

17. His touch was real to my heart
His touch was real to my soul one day,
Blessed day it was to me;
His hand so real, in my life changed me,
By His grace I’m not the same.
He touched my heart by His rod that day,
Breaking down stony gates;
Flashing out all powers so dark,
Now is light and peace within.
I crown Him now over all in me,
King of Kings and Ishi of all,
He reigns in peace, streams of life now flows;
The river of life speaks peace to me.
The morning star shines so bright in me;
What a day, soft and bright:
His word revealed from the veil of flesh,
Making me to love His Name!
From Third Pull Songs, Pilgrim Earnest Song Book No. 95

17. Well, my soul is at peace
Well, my soul is at peace
For Ishi’s day I wait
When it comes, how wel-come!
In my soul to rule all,
And provide for my thirst;
I thirst for Him and His love
Every hour of the dark night:
As the bride does for her bridegroom,
Till he comes for me and take me away to His home.
When my soul is a-thirst
For the fountains of life,
The wells of joy He shows me;
From the rock by His side
Gushing out from His heart,
The love of El flows filling
Every space in my heart,
As life now springs and shall never end,
In a world so bright and serene forevermore.
Then my soul is at rest
For his love can never fail
To provide that great gift,
That my soul thirsteth for,
Till he comes as promised,
To perfect His work in me:
He comes again, oh what a day!
That shall dawn in my heart,
That brings a calm and peace within for evermore!
Then I think of Jesus,
Never a name shall be like,
Here on earth or in heaven above,
All in all, ever all;
Jesus is and savior of all:
When he comes, He sweeps away
Every gale of the night,
As chaff is blown by a sweeping wind:
And brings a calm, and rest in Him forevermore.
Now I rest on His arm
As I wait for that day,
Never more shall I roam
Far away in the vale
Of the shadows of death;
I watch and pray as He said,
Lest I sleep and miss Him;
My lamps are bright with oil enough
As I wait for Him as a bride does for the Bridegroom.
From Third Pull Songs, Pilgrim Earnest Song Book, No. 90

18. Evening time has come
Evening time has come,
Day is passing out;
End of all now is here;
Clouds are gathering fast.
Run and hide in the rock,
To be safe from doom;
Gamble not with your soul-
Storms are gathering fast.
His promise is revealed,
Give out all to it:
To be safe in His Son,
Believe His Word today.
Oh Jesus, receive us,
In your arms to be safe;
Speak your Word to our hearts,
Hide our souls from doom.
From Third Pull Songs, Earnest Song Book, Song No. 107

19. It's by grace that I stand
It’s by Grace that I stand to fight, leaning on Him;
Of myself, I boast of nothing great that I have done.
I confess by Grace alone I am what I am today;
Yes, my Redeemer liveth, I believe and confess His Name.
2 On my own I cannot but fail in things so small;
But with Him all mountains so great melt at His Command.
3 I confess; it is true, so true, He’s done so much
For my life, yes, for me to find a rest in my heart.
4 I don’t trust man, little or great, all is but vain;
Away I look on my Jesus, a sure Ground for me.
5 Yes, dear Ishi, I say, Yes; take me and possess me,
To control every move in me; I yield unto You.
6 By Thy Hand take me, Ishi, I pray; oh Ishi come, come,
Come take me by Thy Hand; I lean, oh I lean, on You.
7 I have left all to follow Your Word, my cross to bear;
Receive me; oh Ishi, receive me, and nurse me, Thy child.
Third Pull Songs, Victory Song Book No. 334
20. Because He has come
1. The son of God, they call Him Jesus.
He has come to save, reclaim and perfect.
Has revealed Himself by the capstone message.
The word in flesh is here to prove, He has come again.
Because He has come
No more wondering
Because He has come, all fear is gone.
Because I know He holds my future,
And life is now a living just because He has come.
2. Churches today, have rejected the promise
Foretold to us by the prophet.
This same promise, has given the victory.
The bride now knows He had to come again, with the seventh seal.
3. I know today that He’s here in flesh.
The word of God is manifested.
The sunset church has seen His body,
The revealing now, of the seventh seal, now proves He’s come.
4. Soon and very soon, I’m crossing this river,
I will conquer death, the grave and the flesh.
As His second coming gives me the victory.
I will shout throughout eternity because He has come.
From songs of worshipped edited to reflect this hour
21. Behold what manner of man is this!
1. Behold what manner of man is this?
Reveling the seventh seal.
In Him the fullness of the father,
The messenger of the covenant.
Branham promised Him to come,
In the day that he has gone.
Behold what manner of man is this?
What manner of man is He?
He’s the lord of glory
The great I am,
The Alpha and omega,
The beginning and the end.
His name is wonderful,
The prince of peace is He.
The everlasting father,
Throughout eternity.
2. Behold what manner of man is this?
In Him divine love overflows.
His love to the daughters is untold.
So deep, so sweet, so pure.
He’s greater than Solomon.
The son of God is He,
Behold what manner of man is this?
What manner of man is He?
3. Behold what manner of man is this?
Who speaks to the bride today,
“Everlasting life I give to thee, and riches than man can tell”.
Whosoever believes that I have come again,
Has passed from death to life.
Behold what manner of man is this?
What manner of man is He?
From songs of worshipped edited to reflect this hour