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Joshua the Servant
Jul 26, 2022
In The Promise At Hand
Number Four (4) is the Gospel number in the Bible. Abraham, Isaac, Jacob and Joseph... were the Gospel in seed being sown in the ground of the fathers. God revealed Himself to them as El-shaddai... The exceedingly fruitful one. God sowed His Gospel seed in the fathers. Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers and Deuteronomy...was the Gospel in shadows of the law. The Gospel in the stalk out of the blade of Genesis. Matthew, Mark, Luke and John... the Gospel in earnest, in part, partially, in the earnest of the Spirit. The stalk brought forth flowers... the shuck and the tassel. The New Testament preached the Gospel in its flower stage. We are looking forward to the final full Gospel in its exactiness... What was sown as a seed in Genesis comes to fruition bringing forth the great harvest. The last Gospel Dispensation is the harvesting Gospel message in its clear view. Yes, the final Gospel Dispensation is also fourfold. It is the fullness of the revelation of Jesus Christ the Spoken Word of God. Praise the Lord! Tremendous victory in love divine just ahead. For the fruit of the Word is divine love. In Genesis the fruit was in the seed. In the Old Testament the fruit was still in the stalk. In the New Testament, the fruit was within the pollen and the flower. But now we look forward to see the fruit housing the seed...! Oh, how wonderful! The fruit of the Word is divine love!
Joshua the Servant
Jun 22, 2022
In The Promise At Hand
Introduction: Seated upon the hilltop overlooking the village where I was born and raised, and from where I had gathered most of the clay that I was now wrapped in, growing thicker and heavier all the time, I felt so sorry that I was what I was and could do nothing about it. I hated it all! That state I was forever bound in, condemned, and imprisoned to live and die in was just too much. It was bad, so bad – growing worse and worse all the time. No remedy availed itself. If it was there, then it was beyond my reach; it was beyond my hands, my feet, my eyes, and my ears too. I searched all over but still, there was no answer in sight. What must I do? I surveyed the world covering the earth all around me, and my thoughts were filled with horror, wonder and amazement – all came streaming in like a mighty flood, carrying all before it in terror and dread. What a dilemma! What was it? Why man's abode on earth is filled with horrible, ugly, cruel, disgusting scenes? Terrible things happen all time; man against man butchering each other in a manner never witnessed among less lucid beings within the same species. Corrupt deals all over. Wickedness abounds with no signs of going into recession. Everything spells doom on its face, ill-fated to begin with! Why? Absorbed in such discouraging thoughts, I began to drift away in my mind, something, some power unknown to me, stole me away and set me in the midst of the gospel path. As loud as a clap of thunder, it arrived in my mind, and my ears were tuned into it, that God has the answer, and that answer is Jesus!
Joshua the Servant
May 09, 2021
In Encouragement
You are called to fulfill a specific purpose in God's plan of redemption at this end time. No one else can take that place. The glory of your reward depends on how much you will attain in the line of that calling. The more you achieve the more glorious your reward. To strike the mark of your calling, you will have to focus all your attention on your calling, to act always in time according to God's will. Every day adds a step in the right direction. With all your heart you seek to add a step towards achieving something. And prayer is quite central. If you have nothing to do then you resort to pray until a door opens for the next move. Don't be satisfied until you are in step doing something in line with your calling. If everything else has stopped, then it is time for prayer until God opens another door. Be on the move. Be on the go all the time.

Joshua the Servant

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